Child & Adult Psychiatrist

Genetic Testing

This is a clinically focused technology that measures and analyzes important genomic variants affecting response to psychiatric medications in individual patients. Pharmacogenomic tests are used to better understand a patient’s unique genomic profile in order to individualize a patient’s medication treatment selection and avoid side effects that often occur with these medications.

The test consists of a swab of the inner cheek then sent to
Assure RX (Genetics Lab) Covered by most insurance companies.

What you can expect with each report:

  1. The most commonly prescribed medications arrayed in three color-coded drug categories that indicate cautionary levels to help inform treatment decisions.
  2. A detailed report of the patient’s genetic variants.
  3. A drug interaction table indicating potential conflicting substances.

Please contact the office for an appointment: 631-467-0867

Child & Adult Psychiatrist

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